What is tendonitis?
We all heard of terms like rotator cuff tendonitis, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, etc. But what exactly are these common physiotherapy issues? As well as what exactly are the cause of these issues that leads us to seek physiotherapy treatment? To answer these questions, we must first understand the condition known as tendonitis. What exactly...
Read More The most likely cause of Hip Pain
The Hip Joint The hip joint itself is a large and complex joint, this joint is almost as complex as the shoulder joint. What makes this joint unique is that it bears a lot of weight, but yet it does give you quite a bit freedom of mobility. For one, the joint is made up...
Read More From 0 to 100, sitting all day to major league sports?
Recognizable causes of sport injuries Chances are if you play any particular sports, you will run into some sort of sports related injuries. Sport injuries happens from time to time, and each type of sport comes with its specific range of sports injuries. Take hockey for example, shoulder injuries are quite common when we are...
Read More Chronic Sitting, Chronically Hurting
Truth be told, if you continue down the same path you will get the same result. The solution to various problems may simply be about identifying the issues at hand. From that, we learn to change our course of action to get a more favourable result. A New Lifestyle Since the past two years, the...
Read More Neck pain, shoulder pain, where is this pain coming from?
As we engage in daily work routine nowadays, we find ourselves either on the computer sitting, mousing or just simply starring at the screen. All of a sudden, mysterious pain and stiffness appears around different parts of our body. These could include the top of our shoulder, side of our shoulder or even worse a...
Read More Runner’s Knee (Patellofemoral Syndrome) and Physiotherapy Treatment
Knee pain can stem from a wide variety of dysfunction in our body, and sometimes it can be very frustrating to have an issue that we have absolutely no idea how it starts. Patellofemoral syndrome or Runner’s knee is one of those issues that could potentially turn into a very painful condition over a period of...
Read More Shoulder Pain, Common Physiotherapy Related Conditions
Your shoulder is an intricate joint consisting of many muscles, tendons and various bones. These elements must work together in a cohesive manner in order to provide the various range of motion in your shoulder. This is why a small injury to the shoulder can lead to many symptoms and contributes to an overall lack...
Read More Treatment of Osteoarthritis through Physiotherapy
With regards to treatment of Osteoarthritis, physiotherapy treatment can be considered the most conservative method to manage this condition. Physiotherapy treatment is proven to manage an arthritic joint at various stages of degeneration. The focus of physiotherapy treatment is to reduce pain, improve range of motion of the joint, and build up specific muscle groups...
Read More What is Osteoarthritis? Why is My Joint in Pain?
Osteoarthritis or short for OA, is a degenerative condition where the surface of our joints go through wear and tear resulting in pain, stiffness and swelling. OA are commonly found in our knees, lower back, hips, neck and our hands. In an ideal functioning joint, we have a layer of soft and rubbery material known...
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