Shoulder Pain, Common Physiotherapy Related Conditions
Your shoulder is an intricate joint consisting of many muscles, tendons and various bones. These elements must work together in a cohesive manner in order to provide the various range of motion in your shoulder. This is why a small injury to the shoulder can lead to many symptoms and contributes to an overall lack of function.
Most common physiotherapy related shoulder injury would be the tendons around the shoulder known as the rotator cuff tendon. Our rotator cuff tendons are a group of muscle tendons that rotates and stabilizes our shoulder bone with the rest of our body. They are small muscles that must work in conjunction with one another in order to provide smooth gliding motion in the shoulder.
Injury to the rotator cuff can be of a wide range (See list below with more severe condition at the bottom):
- Rotator cuff Impingement
- Rotator cuff Tendonitis
- Rotator cuff Tears
Depending on various level of inflammation, stress, wear and tear to the tendons, your condition can be potentially residing in different categories. An impingement would be considered a mild injury, where the tendon gets sporadically irritated with a pinch from certain motions. As the case gets more severe, the ongoing stress on the shoulder tendon is too much that it starts tearing apart.
With a proper physiotherapy assessment at Amberlea Physiotherapy, the state of your rotator cuff injury can be determined properly. A proper diagnosis of the shoulder will allow us to put a stop in any progressive worsening of the current symptoms and provide much needed physiotherapy treatment for proper rehab.